sudachipy.morpheme package


  • Import from sudachipy.morpheme is deprecated.
    • Use from sudachipy import Morpheme instead.

  • Method Morpheme.get_word_info(self) -> WordInfo is deprecated.

Module contents

class sudachipy.morpheme.Morpheme

A morpheme (basic semantic unit of language).

begin(self, /) int

Returns the begin index of this in the input text.

dictionary_form(self, /) str

Returns the dictionary form.

dictionary_id(self, /) int

Returns the dictionary id which this word belongs.

end(self, /) int

Returns the end index of this in the input text.

get_word_info(self, /) WordInfo

Returns the word info.

..deprecated:: v0.6.0

Users should not touch the raw WordInfo.

is_oov(self, /) bool

Returns whether if this is out of vocabulary word.

normalized_form(self, /) str

Returns the normalized form.

part_of_speech(self, /) tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]

Returns the part of speech as a six-element tuple. Tuple elements are four POS levels, conjugation type and conjugation form.

part_of_speech_id(self, /) int

Returns the id of the part of speech in the dictionary.

raw_surface(self, /) str

Returns the substring of input text corresponding to the morpheme regardless the configured projection.

See Config.projection.

reading_form(self, /) str

Returns the reading form.

split(self, /, mode, out=None, add_single=False) MorphemeList

Returns sub-morphemes in the provided split mode.

  • mode (SplitMode | None) – mode of new split.

  • out (MorphemeList | None) – write results to this MorhpemeList instead of creating new one. See for more information on output parameters. Returned MorphemeList will be invalidated if this MorphemeList is used as an output parameter.

  • add_single (bool) – return lists with the current morpheme if the split hasn’t produced any elements. When False is passed, empty lists are returned instead.

surface(self, /) str

Returns the substring of input text corresponding to the morpheme, or a projection if one is configured.

See Config.projection.

synonym_group_ids(self, /) List[int]

Returns the list of synonym group ids.

word_id(self, /) int

Returns word id of this word in the dictionary.