use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io::Error;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::config::ConfigError;
use crate::dic::build::error::DicBuildError;
use crate::dic::character_category::Error as CharacterCategoryError;
use crate::dic::header::HeaderError;
use crate::dic::lexicon_set::LexiconSetError;
use crate::plugin::PluginError;
pub type SudachiResult<T> = Result<T, SudachiError>;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SudachiError {
#[error("{context}: {cause}")]
ErrWithContext {
context: String,
cause: Box<SudachiError>,
#[error("{context}: {cause}")]
Io {
cause: std::io::Error,
context: String,
#[error("Parse Int Error")]
ParseIntError(#[from] std::num::ParseIntError),
#[error("Invalid UTF-16: {0}")]
FromUtf16(#[from] std::string::FromUtf16Error),
#[error("Regex error")]
RegexError(#[from] fancy_regex::Error),
#[error("Error from nom {0}")]
#[error("Invalid utf16 string from nom")]
#[error("Serde error: {0}")]
SerdeError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
#[error("Invalid character category definition: {0}")]
InvalidCharacterCategory(#[from] CharacterCategoryError),
#[error("Config Error: {0}")]
ConfigError(#[from] ConfigError),
#[error("Invalid header: {0}")]
InvalidHeader(#[from] HeaderError),
#[error("Lecicon error")]
LexiconSetError(#[from] LexiconSetError),
#[error("Plugin error")]
PluginError(#[from] PluginError),
#[error("End of sentence (EOS) is not connected to beginning of sentence (BOS)")]
#[error("Invalid character category type: {0}")]
#[error("Invalid data format: {1} at line {0}")]
InvalidDataFormat(usize, String),
#[error("Invalid grammar")]
#[error("Invalid part of speech: {0}")]
#[error("Invalid range: {0}..{1}")]
InvalidRange(usize, usize),
#[error("No out of vocabulary plugin provided")]
#[error("Input is too long, it can't be more than {1} bytes, was {0}")]
InputTooLong(usize, usize),
DictionaryCompilationError(#[from] DicBuildError),
#[error("MorphemeList is borrowed, make sure that all Ref<> are dropped")]
impl From<std::io::Error> for SudachiError {
fn from(e: Error) -> Self {
SudachiError::Io {
cause: e,
context: String::from("IO Error"),
impl SudachiError {
pub fn with_context<S: Into<String>>(self, ctx: S) -> Self {
match self {
SudachiError::Io { cause, .. } => SudachiError::Io {
context: ctx.into(),
cause => SudachiError::ErrWithContext {
cause: Box::new(cause),
context: ctx.into(),
pub type SudachiNomResult<I, O> = nom::IResult<I, O, SudachiNomError<I>>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum SudachiNomError<I> {
Nom(I, nom::error::ErrorKind),
OutOfBounds(String, usize, usize),
impl<I> nom::error::ParseError<I> for SudachiNomError<I> {
fn from_error_kind(input: I, kind: nom::error::ErrorKind) -> Self {
SudachiNomError::Nom(input, kind)
fn append(_: I, _: nom::error::ErrorKind, other: Self) -> Self {
impl<I: Debug> From<nom::Err<SudachiNomError<I>>> for SudachiError {
fn from(err: nom::Err<SudachiNomError<I>>) -> Self {
if let nom::Err::Failure(SudachiNomError::Utf16String) = err {
return SudachiError::InvalidUtf16FromNom;
SudachiError::NomParseError(format!("{}", err))