WordInfo subsetting =================== It is possible to ask Suachi to return only a subset of fields in the WordInfo. To do that, you can use the ``fields`` parameter of the :py:meth:`sudachipy.Dictionary.create()` method. The parameter accepts a set of strings, each one representing a field to be returned. By default, all fields are returned. Allowed values: * ``surface``: in-dictionary surface word form. :py:meth:`sudachipy.Morpheme.surface()` method returns the slice of the input text and is not affected by that flag. * ``pos`` or ``pos_id``: part-of-speech tag. * ``normalized_form`` * ``dictionary_form`` * ``reading_form`` * ``word_structure`` * ``synonym_group_id`` * ``splits_a`` * ``splits_b`` .. note:: If you want only tokenization (e.g. use only :py:meth:`sudachipy.Morpheme.surface()`, passing empty set is allowed. You need to load splits if you want to use :py:meth:`sudachipy.Morpheme.split` method. If performing the tokenization with non-default mode, the required splits will be loaded automatically and can be omitted.:: dic.create(SplitMode.B, fields={}) # implicitly becomes fields={'splits_b'} .. warning:: Using a field not included in the passed subset will produce an incorrect result without any warning. Use tests to ensure that the needed fields are loaded when using this parameter.